Updated code review policies posted on OpenJFX Project Wiki
Kevin Rushforth
2018-10-19 21:18:22 UTC
The updated code review policies that we discussed last spring are now
posted on the OpenJFX Project Wiki [1]. For the most part, we have
effectively been following these for the past several months. This will
formalize the policies in a way that will be easier to point new
contributors at. If any of you have any suggestions for making it easier
to understand, please send them our way.

The executive summary is:

1. Recorded the fact that Johan and I are co-leads of the OpenJFX Project

2. Formalized the concept of a Reviewer role and recorded the initial
list of Reviewers

3. Formalized the code review requirements:
* simple fixes: 1"R"eviewer
* higher-impact fixes: 2 reviewers (one of whom must be "R"eviewer)
* new features / API changes: discus proposed changes on this list, CSR
review (including approval by a Lead) for API changes + 2 reviewers for

4. Formalized the streamlined GitHub code review (as long as you
complete all review steps, including RFR email to this list, prior to PR
being merged, there is no need for a webrev or additional review to push
it to HG jfx-dev repo)

I am working on an update to the GitHub CONTRIBUTING.md page [2] to
align with these newly-formalized policies, primarily to help first time
contributors, but also as a reminder for all contributors. I'll send a
PR when ready (tomorrow or Monday).

-- Kevin

[1] https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/Code+Reviews
Nir Lisker
2018-10-21 10:05:43 UTC
Hi Kevin,

I suggest to add an "areas of expertise" (modules or JBS components) to the
list of reviewers on the Code Reviews page, at least for active Reviewers,
similarly to how it is done on the Code Ownership page.
It doesn't need to have a formal function (I brought up that idea during
the spring discussion), but would help to know who to consult with when
working on some part of OpenJFX.

- Nir
Post by Kevin Rushforth
The updated code review policies that we discussed last spring are now
posted on the OpenJFX Project Wiki [1]. For the most part, we have
effectively been following these for the past several months. This will
formalize the policies in a way that will be easier to point new
contributors at. If any of you have any suggestions for making it easier
to understand, please send them our way.
1. Recorded the fact that Johan and I are co-leads of the OpenJFX Project
2. Formalized the concept of a Reviewer role and recorded the initial
list of Reviewers
* simple fixes: 1"R"eviewer
* higher-impact fixes: 2 reviewers (one of whom must be "R"eviewer)
* new features / API changes: discus proposed changes on this list, CSR
review (including approval by a Lead) for API changes + 2 reviewers for
4. Formalized the streamlined GitHub code review (as long as you
complete all review steps, including RFR email to this list, prior to PR
being merged, there is no need for a webrev or additional review to push
it to HG jfx-dev repo)
I am working on an update to the GitHub CONTRIBUTING.md page [2] to
align with these newly-formalized policies, primarily to help first time
contributors, but also as a reminder for all contributors. I'll send a
PR when ready (tomorrow or Monday).
-- Kevin
[1] https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/Code+Reviews
Kevin Rushforth
2018-10-22 12:32:59 UTC
A great idea that I had forgotten about. One of the Reviewers mentioned
the same to me off list.

-- Kevin
Post by Nir Lisker
Hi Kevin,
I suggest to add an "areas of expertise" (modules or JBS components)
to the list of reviewers on the Code Reviews page, at least for active
Reviewers, similarly to how it is done on the Code Ownership page.
It doesn't need to have a formal function (I brought up that idea
during the spring discussion), but would help to know who to consult
with when working on some part of OpenJFX.
- Nir
On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 12:18 AM Kevin Rushforth
The updated code review policies that we discussed last spring are now
posted on the OpenJFX Project Wiki [1]. For the most part, we have
effectively been following these for the past several months. This will
formalize the policies in a way that will be easier to point new
contributors at. If any of you have any suggestions for making it easier
to understand, please send them our way.
1. Recorded the fact that Johan and I are co-leads of the OpenJFX Project
2. Formalized the concept of a Reviewer role and recorded the initial
list of Reviewers
* simple fixes: 1"R"eviewer
* higher-impact fixes: 2 reviewers (one of whom must be "R"eviewer)
* new features / API changes: discus proposed changes on this list, CSR
review (including approval by a Lead) for API changes + 2
reviewers for
4. Formalized the streamlined GitHub code review (as long as you
complete all review steps, including RFR email to this list, prior to PR
being merged, there is no need for a webrev or additional review to push
it to HG jfx-dev repo)
I am working on an update to the GitHub CONTRIBUTING.md page [2] to
align with these newly-formalized policies, primarily to help first time
contributors, but also as a reminder for all contributors. I'll send a
PR when ready (tomorrow or Monday).
-- Kevin
[1] https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/Code+Reviews