Compiling OpenJFX
Robert Lichtenberger
2018-09-18 13:51:58 UTC
I am trying (again) to get my toes wet with building OpenJFX myself.

Here are some things I am wondering about:


Gradle is the primary build tool for building OpenJFX. We currently use
Gradle 4.8 <https://gradle.org/gradle-download/> for jfx-dev

but a few lines down it says:

add gradle-4.3/bin to your PATH

I assume it should say gradle-4.8/bin here too.

Other than that, I was able to build OpenJFX on Windows 64-bit without
web and media. So after that I tried to build with web and media, where
Task :web:compileNativeWin FAILED
Can't locate English.pm in @INC (you may need to install the English
module) (@INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl5/5.26/x86_64-cygwin-threads /usr/share/perl5/5.26) at
line 37.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 37.
Compilation failed in require at
line 48.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 48.
Compilation failed in require at
line 33.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 33.

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

I then upgraded perl from the cygwin setup to revision 5 version 26
subversion 2, then the build was able to continue. Maybe the build
instructions could mention the exact minimum perl version required?

The build then took about an hour but otherwise completed successfully,
which is a pretty smooth experience considering the complexity of JavaFX
and WebKit ;-).

What about Windows 32-bit though? There will be no Oracle JDK from
JDK-11 onwards, however https://adoptopenjdk.net/ have said they are
willing to produce a JDK for Windows-32 bit. But will OpenJFX be
buildable for that platform? If yes, how?

Robert Lichtenberger
Kevin Rushforth
2018-09-18 14:51:27 UTC
Good catch. I fixed it to reference to gradle-4.8/ bin.

-- Kevin
Post by Robert Lichtenberger
I am trying (again) to get my toes wet with building OpenJFX myself.
Gradle is the primary build tool for building OpenJFX. We currently use
Gradle 4.8 <https://gradle.org/gradle-download/> for jfx-dev
add gradle-4.3/bin to your PATH
I assume it should say gradle-4.8/bin here too.
Other than that, I was able to build OpenJFX on Windows 64-bit without
web and media. So after that I tried to build with web and media, where
Task :web:compileNativeWin FAILED
/usr/lib/perl5/5.26/x86_64-cygwin-threads /usr/share/perl5/5.26) at
line 37.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 37.
Compilation failed in require at
line 48.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 48.
Compilation failed in require at
line 33.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 33.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
I then upgraded perl from the cygwin setup to revision 5 version 26
subversion 2, then the build was able to continue. Maybe the build
instructions could mention the exact minimum perl version required?
The build then took about an hour but otherwise completed successfully,
which is a pretty smooth experience considering the complexity of JavaFX
and WebKit ;-).
What about Windows 32-bit though? There will be no Oracle JDK from
JDK-11 onwards, however https://adoptopenjdk.net/ have said they are
willing to produce a JDK for Windows-32 bit. But will OpenJFX be
buildable for that platform? If yes, how?
Robert Lichtenberger
Nir Lisker
2018-09-19 01:58:59 UTC
Yeah, I missed that one during the recent update of the instructions.

If you have any other improvements you'd like to suggest that are not
related to WebKit please send them my way. I never built Webkit so I can't
help with that.

On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 4:52 PM Robert Lichtenberger <
Post by Robert Lichtenberger
I am trying (again) to get my toes wet with building OpenJFX myself.
Gradle is the primary build tool for building OpenJFX. We currently use
Gradle 4.8 <https://gradle.org/gradle-download/> for jfx-dev
add gradle-4.3/bin to your PATH
I assume it should say gradle-4.8/bin here too.
Other than that, I was able to build OpenJFX on Windows 64-bit without
web and media. So after that I tried to build with web and media, where
Task :web:compileNativeWin FAILED
/usr/lib/perl5/5.26/x86_64-cygwin-threads /usr/share/perl5/5.26) at
line 37.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 37.
Compilation failed in require at
line 48.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 48.
Compilation failed in require at
line 33.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 33.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
I then upgraded perl from the cygwin setup to revision 5 version 26
subversion 2, then the build was able to continue. Maybe the build
instructions could mention the exact minimum perl version required?
The build then took about an hour but otherwise completed successfully,
which is a pretty smooth experience considering the complexity of JavaFX
and WebKit ;-).
What about Windows 32-bit though? There will be no Oracle JDK from
JDK-11 onwards, however https://adoptopenjdk.net/ have said they are
willing to produce a JDK for Windows-32 bit. But will OpenJFX be
buildable for that platform? If yes, how?
Robert Lichtenberger